Soles molding

VAG 12

Automatic rotary machine with 12 stations for the production of perfect single-density soles and/or technical articles in polyurethane material with single or double thickness.

Trials injector

Manual single or double 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 stations semi-circular machi-ne

Banana 30-GD

Manual single or double 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 stations semi-circular machi-ne

PiU 448 Orbital

Automatic rotary table with 24 mold holders for the production of polyurethane filters.

Banana Orbital 24

Automatic single or double 24 stations semi-circular machine for moulding soles, slippers, and/or twodensity unit soles...

PiU 448 GDA

Automatic rotary machine with 48 single stations vertical mould-holder...

PiU 100-S

Automatic 100 station rotary machine for the production of soles, sandals, slip-ons, Fussbett sole applications, and/or technical articles...

PiU 811-S

Automatic 80 station rotary machine for the production of soles, sandals, slip-ons, Fussbett sole applications, and/or technical articles...

PiU 611-S

Automatic 60 stations rotary machine for moulding unit soles and/or technical articles...

PiU 411-S

Automatic 40 stations rotary machine for moulding unit soles, sandals, slippers, fusbett and/or technical articles...